Exploring the Civil War can be fascinating, but with so many battles, leaders, issues, and more than 50,000 books on the subject, the task can be overwhelming. Was Gettysburg the most important battle? Were Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis so different from each other? How accurate is re-enacting? Who were the worst commanding generals?Thomas R. Flagel uses annotated lists organized under more than thirty headings to see through the powder smoke and straighten Sherman's neckties, ranking and clarifying the best, the worst, the largest, and the most lethal aspects of the conflict.The History Buff's Guide™ to the Civil War covers: Antebellum: Investigates the critical years before the war, in particular the growing crises, extremists, and slavery. Politics: Contrasts the respective presidents and constitutions of the Union and Confederacy, the most prominent politicians, and the most volatile issues of the times. Military Life: Offers insights into the world of the common soldiers, how they fought, what they ate, how they were organized, what they saw, how they lived, and how they died. The Home Front: Looks at the fast growing field in Civil War research, including immigration, societal changes, hardships and shortages, dissent, and violence far from the firing lines. In Retrospect: Ranks the heroes and heroines, greatest victories and failures, firsts and worsts. Pursuing the War: Summarizes Civil War study today, including films, battlefield sites, books, genealogy, re-enactments, restoration, preservation, and other ventures.From the antebellum years to Appomattox and beyond, The History Buff's Guide™ to the Civil War is a quick and compelling guide to one of the most complex and critical eras in American history.