275 Questions You've Always Wanted to Ask Your Doctor
17. I've heard so many opinions, pro and con, about flu shots.
Y/ho should get a flu shot? How effective is it? IX/hen is the
best time to get one?
O. My doctor has me taking a baby aspirin a day to cut the risk
: of heart attack and stroke. 'Would an equivalent amount of
ibuprofen do the job?
O. My dentist recently suggested I undergo root planing to cure
gum disease. Is it really helpful or just a money-making
Q. Because of a herniated disk, ['ve been suffering from lower-
back pain that radiates to my leg. Is surgery usually necessary,
or could other treatment relieve the pain?
Medical and dental experts give answers to these questions and
271. more in this easy-to-read book covering topics ranging from
Alzheimer's to pain medications. Topics are listed alphabetically and
related questions are grouped together. The Best of Healtb also
includes 19 "Office Visit" columns, a regular feature in Consumer
Reports on Health that offers practical advice based on case
histories taken from the files of Irwin Mandel, D.D.S., and Marvin
M. Lipman, M.D., longtime medical adviser to CoNSUMER Rlponrs.
'Whether the topic is diet and nutrition, heart and lung problems,
headaches, children's health, or common aches and pains, you'll find
it covered here. Both a valuable reference and a browser's delight,
The Best of Health is just what the doctor ordered for your home
medical library.
Couer design A i998 by John Herr
Consumer Reports
101 Truman Avenue
Yonkers, NewYork 10703