A laird trapped between centuries...
Enchanted by a powerful spell, Highland laird Drustan MacKeltar slumbered for nearly five centuries hidden deep in a cave, until an unlikely savior awakened him. The enticing lass who dressed and spoke like no woman he’d ever known was from his distant future, where crumbled ruins were all that remained of his vanished world. Drustan knew he had to return to his own century if he was to save his people from a terrible fate. And he needed the bewitching woman by his side....
A woman changed forever in his arms...
Gwen Cassidy had come to Scotland to shake up her humdrum life and, just maybe, meet a man. How could she have known that a tumble down a Highland ravine would send her plunging into an underground cavern — to land atop the most devastatingly seductive man she’d ever seen? Or that once he’d kissed her, he wouldn’t let her go?
Bound to Drustan by a passion stronger than time, Gwen is swept back to sixteenth-century Scotland, where a treacherous enemy plots against them ... and where a warrior with the power to change history will defy time itself for the woman he loves....
Rife with unexpected plot twists, Druid lore and sparkling humor, Moning's latest time-travel romance (following The Highlander's Touch) returns to the Scottish Highlands for another romp between an ancient laird and a modern lass. Gwen Cassidy's hopes of finding a man crumble when she realizes that her much-anticipated tour of Scotland is a senior citizen expedition. Frustrated, Gwen decides to hike the breakneck hills of Loch Ness alone, and she ends up falling down a ravine and awakening Drustan MacKeltar, a Scottish lord who has been slumbering for 500 years under a gypsy's spell. Although Drustan is bewildered by the modern century, he is not puzzled by his feelings for Gwen. Her passionate heart and brilliant mind intrigue him, and he enlists her aid to return to the 16th century. Once back in Drustan's time, their struggle to save his people alters history and results in a surprising denouement. There's much that's fun here, both in characters and situations, but detail-oriented readers may be distracted by the novel's many anachronisms: for example, Gwen has coffee in bed in 1518 even though coffee wasn't available in England until the 17th century. Nevertheless, Moning's snappy prose, quick wit and charismatic characters will enchant. (Sept. 11) Forecast: Morning has just three titles under her belt, but her fan base is growing steadily. This paranormal, time-travel romantic comedy will appeal to Donna Kauffman aficionados as well as readers who enjoy mixed-genre romances. Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information.